Why Gluten Might Be Causing Inflammation in Your Body

 Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, is widely debated in the health and wellness world. While some can eat it without issue, for many, gluten can trigger inflammation and health problems—even without celiac disease. Let’s take a closer look at how gluten may contribute to inflammation in the body. What Is Gluten? Simply put, gluten is a protein found in certain grains that helps give foods their texture and structure. While gluten itself isn’t harmful, many people struggle to digest it. For these individuals, gluten can cause an immune response that leads to inflammation.

Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Hives: Our Low Histamine Diet Success Story

 When my daughter struggled with chronic hives, a low histamine diet became a crucial part of her healing. This wasn’t a forever diet but a "for now" approach to help regulate her histamine levels and allow her body to recover. By eliminating high-histamine foods, we saw a gradual reduction in hives, and her skin began to heal. After several months, we successfully reintroduced most foods—except gluten and peanuts, which we continue to avoid. This diet played a vital role in restoring her health.